Sunday, April 24, 2011


One thing I love about blogging is the themes. No matter the visitor, followers or the sense of accomplishment you get after writing a post, the different themes are the best part of blogging. At least for me. This might be because I just won a Photography competition in school,(YES I DID!) and am feeling a bit artistic, but that's beside the point. So here we go, another theme! :)
This thing reminds me of my childhood. While I can go on and rant about the homework and the chores, what I really miss is the innocence. And I know that sounds incredibly cheesy and tacky but It's true. Wouldn't it be nice not to know about all the bad things and just stay in a safe little bubble of your imagination? Yes, yes it would. I really miss that. And so I dedicate this theme to our lost innocence!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A Glorified Rant..

I call it glorified because people usually don't rant on blogs. Or maybe they do, I couldn't care less...and that's just the point. I don't feel like caring about anything. I suppose this is just another phase of the mad phase of life called Teendom. I feel like my pet chihuahua named pinky died, even though i hate little dogs and would gouge my eyes out before I name anything pinky.
Anyhoo! things seem to be going wrong with me for some time. I realized this when today I Borrowed a copy of Smash (a magazine which is essentially a waste of paper and trees, the poor koalas!, or whatever that live in the trees) from a kid and I found an article comparing Twilight to Potter. You know what it said? It said..."Twilight is more realistic because it teaches love and compels today's teenagers to solve their problems themselves while Potter just relies on magic to solve his problem and sits around." Okay..Ahem..Lets just calm down and call the writer a disillusioned bitch and move on.
The point is, you realize there is something very very wrong with the world when you read things like that. It's like some bizarre dream of a Twihard that you got stuck into because you offended Inceptions director by sticking gum in his hair(painful). I also watched Brokeback Mountain yesterday(yes I can hear the sniggers, the lame jokes and the homophobic behaviour, get a life people or better yet, do us a favour and die). It was one of the most depressing film I have ever seen. I think I'm going to be distressed for a week atleast, with the finals approaching too. Thank you God, you have truly made my life a living Heaven. Without the Heaven part which basically makes it hell. Oh whatever...
Another thing; I don't have a car. When my father cam to visit(He live in South Africa, probably enjoying a life full of booze and promiscuity and booze but whatever, I get my laptops and cells. Also if my mother read this she'll probably kill me. With an axe. My father is a saint apparently) he literally begged me to learn driving and riding a bike. Me, being the cool and cynical person I am, refused point blank because everyone knows how to do those things, so I shouldn't right? Wrong, you imbecile! Quite terribly, horribly wrong. Now I have to rely on other people and public transport(Rickshaws..? Mr. American wannabe?). I hate it.We can't have a driver and so I'm basically, you know, screwed.
So yeah..
-Darcy the sad